A shared bond of experience has brought together a community of women, each grappling with the impact of active addiction on a loved one or mourning the loss of someone to addiction. These collective experiences served as the catalyst for the creation of the support group, Community in Action Facing Addiction. 

However, even though every week a high number of naloxone kits are given for free to help prevent overdoses in Weyburn, these numbers are not translating into the support group. As a result, the group is considering discontinuing, volunteer Susan Adderley explains. 

“We're actually feeling kind of discouraged because we know that there's so many people struggling out there and only a few people have come so far. So yeah, we're thinking about that, unfortunately,”  

However, Adderley still has some words of encouragement to share. 

“We just really encourage people to come out because we know you're out there. We know that you're struggling. We've been there and it's a horrible thing to go through alone, please don't feel ashamed. Even if you just want to come out and listen, if you come out to listen to other people's stories, it can be very encouraging, and we want to be there for people. We just want to offer unconditional caring and love to those people that are struggling with addictions in their family.” 

While the group is considering dissolving, the organizers are going to continue for a few more months and then re-evaluate. The next meeting is tonight at the Weyburn Public Library beginning at 7 p.m. and running until 8:30 p.m.  Free naloxone kits will be available at the meeting or available through Denise Kennedy at (306)891-9800.