Prairie Sky Co-op held its annual general meeting Tuesday night, and those in attendance learned the 2023 fiscal year was overall a good one.  

Sales for Prairie Sky Co-op, by volume, were up, while overall sales numbers were slightly down. The largest reason for the decline in the value of sales, however, was due to something well outside the control of Prairie Sky Co-op – the price of gasoline, which on average was lower in 2023 than it was in 2022.  

The patronage allocation for the membership was also announced - $2.5 million. This is an increase from the previous year. The payout will be two percent of the amount spent at the co-operative, except for fuel, where the allocation will be three percent.  

During the meeting, general manager Kevin Arthur explained a few things are coming up for the store this year.  

“We’re really excited to announce a major renovation is underway,” Arthur said of work that will be done at the grocery store in Weyburn. “A lot of time spent planning to do a complete upgrade of our Weyburn Food and Pharmacy department.” 

Arthur also noted the liquor retail location in the food store in Weyburn has been very successful since it first opened in July.  

There were some changes to the board also announced during the meeting. Ken Kot and Al York, previous board members, would not be returning for the coming year, so two vacancies were filled. 

“We are very pleased to welcome Twyla Walkeden, who is a long-term Weyburn resident, and we also have Manuell Ofala, who is a newcomer to Weyburn,” said board president Stella Swertz. She added they were sorry to see Kot and York leave, as they were very diligent board members who shared their experience and expertise.