The Weyburn Salvation Army is bringing back the bell-ringers along with their Christmas Kettle campaign this year, at three retail locations three days a week throughout December.

But first, they need those cheer-bringers to sign up for their shifts beginning Decembe 2nd. Shifts run Thursdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. and every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., right up til Christmas Eve at 2:00 p.m.

"If you are interested in booking a two-hour time slot to help out, you can call myself, Shannon, or Tanya at our office at 306-842-2280," shared Community Ministries Worker Shannon Fodchuk. "We are looking for volunteer bell-ringers to be a friendly face at our kettles that will be located in Walmart, Canadian Tire and Wholesale Club."

"The Kettle Campaign is a fund raising effort that occurs each and every year at the Christmas season and is our largest fundraiser," she noted. "Every dollar raised in Weyburn stays in Weyburn, which is amazing. It helps us stock our food bank, it helps us with Christmas hampers, it helps us send kids to camp, helps with a back to school program, our lunch program, and, actually any program that we run out at our out of our Family Services office."

"We are excited to get back out there and have some people ring our bells to bring in the Christmas spirit."