No, we aren't talking about the ghosts and goblins we see at the end of October.

We are talking about the everyday creepy crawlers. The ones go into a flurry and accidentally attack you every time you open the door. The ones that sneak into your house and cover your windows.

Maple bugs are back. 

Also frequently referred to as Halloween bugs, they make very subtle appearances throughout the summer. Then, the second it changes to fall, they are out in FORCE!

We've seen these bad boys cover entire doors! It's creepy and, quite frankly, a little bit icky!

But what do we do about them? 

Was hoping that the wasp nest that we haven't been able to get rid of all summer (that's a whole different blog post) would keep them at bay but we were very, very, VERY wrong. 

If there is one thing I have learned throughout my time on this earth it's that people have a DIY remedy for EVERYTHING!

So how do we take care of these creepy crawlers? What's your go-to method? Let us know on the BIG 106 Facebook page.


PS-Have any great pictures of the current maple bug invasion? Share it with us and we might feature it on