The provincial government is reducing the cost of ambulance trips for seniors. On Wednesday, it was announced the fee for seniors would be reduced from $275 to $135 per trip. As well, there will be no costs for seniors for transfers between health care facilities. 

“Our government is living up to its promise to provide Saskatchewan’s seniors with quality, affordable healthcare,” Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health Minister Everett Hindley said. “The investments we make now will help to address the future needs of our province’s growing senior population while demonstrating our commitment to those who helped build our great province.” 

The coverage for the trips will be provided through the Senior Citizens’ Ambulance Assistance Program and will take effect on December 14th. The subsidy is expected to have a cost of $2.2 million for the remainder of the current fiscal year, and cost $6.6 million annually going forward.