It's that time of year once again when the City of Weyburn hosts the Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Day, June 17th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Public Works Fleet storage building at 55 Sixteenth Street northeast.

Engineering Director Jennifer Wilkinson it's a chance to drop off unwanted adhesives, aerosols, automotive batteries and other batteries, antifreeze, cleaners, oxidizers like chlorine bleach, pesticides, propane cylinders, poisons, and solvents.

"We don't take any sharp or biological waste," said Wilkinson. "Then also SARCAN will be open that day on June 17th to accept paint and electronics. We don't actually accept those as household hazardous waste yet because they already run programs that handle those materials. They partner with us to open up and take those materials that they take all year round."

She said the event is manned by the city staff, with help from contractors GFL.

"They do the actual handling of the hazardous waste, so our city staff will be the ones unloading your vehicles for you and then the contractors are the ones that actually package it up, put it into on pallets, and then they take it away. And they handle it appropriately at their facilities."

Wilkinson added the city hosts this event once a year in hopes that people will save this stuff and not put it into our landfill.