A pair of community barbecues this week put on by the Stoughton Credit Union have brought in some funds for both Stoughton and Kisbey.

On Tuesday, a barbecue in Stoughton raised $2,818.50, which will go towards the New Hope Lodge Auxiliary in Stoughton.

On Wednesday, a barbecue in Kisbey brought in $2,852.00. That money will go to the Kisbey Rec Centre.

In total, $5,670.50 was raised between the two communities.

"It's one of our most looked forward to events here, is doing these two barbecues," said Karla Gervais with the Stoughton Credit Union. "It's great seeing what these community organizations do in the community, so if we can just add a little bit on to that and help them out and help them reach their goals, we love it."

The barbecues are an annual initiative. Gervais said to watch the credit union's social media pages and website next May for plans for next year.