Today's Boston Pizza delivery was sponsored by Grain Belt Transport, offering Bulk and Heavy Hauling services for Dry Grain and Fertilizers in the Weyburn area. Our own Jessie Kohl took the new F-150 provided by our partner Great Plains Ford out to the Yellow Grass Area to pay retired farmer Jim Hansen a visit. Hansen still farms about half of his land to keep himself busy, but brought in two hired hands to handle the rest so he can still enjoy retired life.

While regaling Kohl with his farming stories and ongoing projects, Hansen shared that he was having trouble getting his push mower started. Without skipping a beat, Kohl offered her assistance and had the mower running like a top in no time. Hansen then explained that he would rather the meals go to his hired hands who were hard at work in the fields and said he would be taking the lunch out for them to share. 

Great Plains Ford and Golden West will be delivering more hot lunches to the fields for a randomly chosen winner every weekday for the remainder of May. You can nominate your favorite farmer for a chance to win HERE.