Gals of God’s Grace are back tomorrow with their third FREE community BBQ. 

A couple of weeks ago Ryan Sidloski sponsored the BBQ but due to some unfavourable weather conditions, there was some stock left over to host another BBQ. 

“We still probably served about 50 people,” said Anna Cherpin, Co-founder of Gals of God’s Grace. “This time we're going to have hamburgers along with our hot dogs and chips, and pop and water.” 

Cherpin also shared, “There were some people that apparently hadn’t eaten for a few days. So, we're going to buy extra things like Kraft Dinner and a couple of other extra things.  So, if somebody needs something to eat for, like even a day or two, we'll have that extra and we'll just give it to them.” 

For the third BBQ, they have an additional sponsor, Gabriel Cherpin from High Plains Butchering will be providing hamburgers for the event. The BBQ kicks off tomorrow at 11 am in the mall parking lot in front of McFrugals and will run until supplies run out.