The annual Ice Boogie Night is returning on Saturday, March 2 to the Griffin Recreation Centre. Attendees can look forward to an awesome meal and an evening of fun and games for the whole family. Board member Randi Mauer shares the exciting details. 

“We have an awesome steak supper with all the fixings, lots of desserts. We also have adult and kids' burger meals. We have a large silent auction with generous donations from the surrounding businesses. We have a guaranteed 5050. Kids, fishpond, and chicken poop bingo, which is always a huge hit.” 

The evening will also play host to a silent auction, those wishing to donate can contact Randi Mauer at (306)861-7182.

All tickets will be sold at the door, cocktails will begin at 4 p.m. and supper will kick off at 5:30 p.m. Steak supper with all the fixings is $25, burger meal is $15 for adults and $10 for kids, and five and under eat for free. Mauer also shared that weather permitting skating on the outdoor rink will also be available. To keep up to date with the Griffin Recreation Centre you can follow its Facebook page.

Griffin Ice Boogie poster