The Weyburn Police Service held a High Visibility Enforcement Project last Thursday for six hours, with three tickets issued along with several warnings.

"We're trying to get out into the community and show our presence there," shared Constable Preston Roy. "We're not only trying to educate, but we're trying to rectify some of the issues that we find. Whether it be through ticket and fine enforcement, or maybe a maintenance inspection ticket, the goal is always just to make sure that people are driving safe and the public is safe within the community with the drivers around it. 

Roy said it's not all about handing out tickets

"We always try and make it a positive experience. Sometimes we're lucky enough to get some gifts from local community groups and organizations. Just recently we had some free tickets from the Weyburn Red Wings to give out as positive things to people that were driving safe for abiding by all the rules," he explained. "Any chance we get to have a positive impact on people, we're always happy to do that."

Not only did they find some positive highlights, they also had a mystery to solve.

"We do some roving throughout the community, and one of the officers came across a vehicle that was in the middle of the street."

Roy said this was a safety issue, and they we were able to get that vehicle towed and out of the way for the public. 

But what does one do if their vehicle stops working in the middle of the street?

"You would always want to leave your hazards on just so it's safer for the other drivers, and then you'd want to get in contact with the tow truck company or else just let the police know and we can try and assist in communicating with the tow truck company to get it taken care of," he advised. 

Roy said they attempt to make contact with that driver to ensure that everything is okay on their side and to rule out an emergency situation for which the driver may need assistance.

The matter is still under investigation.
Throughout the week overall, charges that were issued under the Traffic Safety Act include driving without a valid license, disobeying a stop sign or traffic signal, using a cell phone while driving, and speeding.

Read more from last week's police report HERE.