Inclusion Weyburn is gearing up to hold its Annual General Meeting. President Jackie Wilson invites anyone interested in learning more about the group to attend. 

“It’s for anyone who's curious about who we are and what we do might like to attend. It's a very short meeting and it's an easy way to find out about us. We share information on events and activities in the last year. The things that we did in 2023, and our donors might want to learn about the programs that they are helping us to fund. Also, parents who are interested in other community people, are welcome to join us too.” 

The meeting will only be available online through Zoom and it will kick off at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 18. The meeting ID is: 883 2185 1144 and the passcode is: gA8E9u. 

Inclusion Weyburn AGM Poster