(Photo of the beach at Mainprize Regional Park)

Quick thinking, C.P.R and nearby help are being credited for helping save the life a ten month old baby girl at Mainprize Regional Park over the weekend.

Danielle Johnston was out walking with family Saturday afternoon while holding her ten month girl Kate, when a sand cliff fell on top of her, trapping the baby underneath roughly 30cm of sand. Johnston screamed for help and a nearby boater, Jeff Adams came over to assist.

The baby was pulled from the sand, not breathing. Johnston then administered C.P.R. until the baby was coughing up sand and then started to cry.

Adams drove Danielle and her baby to the boat dock and called 9-1-1 in the process.
Constable Trevor Hughes, with the Weyburn City Police was also at Mainprize to help assist. The baby was taken to hospital Saturday for observation and was released Sunday. Kate is doing fine.

Johnston says the help they received was greatly appreciated. "They are my hero's. When Jeff came over, he didn't ask questions, he just came. That is just amazing that someone would do that."

"I thinks it's a good idea for everyone to get their C.P.R. course, because you never know."