CALL ME WHEN THE CUE TO CALL COMES IN, you are in the draw if you can tell me which artist it is, BEFORE the answer is announced.  This ups your chances of winning BIG TIME.  Take advantage, and PLAY ALONG:

The MAGIC MUSIC MASH is the contest that goes live just after seven am, weekdays. I take one artist/band, and mash three songs together. When the cue to call comes in, call in to tell me the answer, and you are IN IT TO WIN IT...

Here is your sneak peek, to help you get into the draw:
Use this sneak peek of the contest audio, to help you be ready when the cue to call comes in:

Call me at 848-1035, after the contest goes live!


Congratulations:  SUNDAE KLEVEN

ANSWER:  Deep Blue Something


*If the audio is not attached, please go direct through Discoverweyburn Magic 103 blog page, and it will be there.  It seems there is an issue when using (some) mobile devices.  Hopefully, this will be fixed soon!