The Weyburn Group Home Society has a new van thanks to local support. In fact, the publicity surrounding a raffle had a 'snowball effect' on the organization's fundraising efforts.

Calling what has happened 'a successful fundraiser' might be a bit of an understatement. 

"Just under $13,700 came in, in total, before Christmas, and then the Weyburn Rotary Club just gave us a donation too, as well, after the raffle," shared Executive Director Colin Folk. "On top of that, we had some donations from Whitecap Resources, and Crescent Point Energy, and some other community citizens that donated to our agency, just because of the traction we had gained."

He said they were able to pay for the van outright, without owing any money.

"We were lucky to find one from Barber Motors in Weyburn, and it only has 28,000 kilometers on it. So it's like new to us," Folk told. "We're just very thankful to the citizens of Weyburn and area, and to the community and all our businesses that continue to support Weyburn Group Homes."

Folk said with the size of their agency, vehicles are a must.

"So we have to replace them every couple of years, and we will continue to fundraise it as a need basis," he said. "If it continues to be this successful, I can see some smiling faces for new vans in the future."

Learn more about the WGHS and how you can continue to support them HERE.