While weed control spraying was supposed to be set for this morning, windy conditions have been prohibitive.

Parks Coordinator with the City of Weyburn, Curtis Block, said due to the risk of overspray, they've had to postpone the spraying until a later date.

"The City of Weyburn Parks Deparment has been conducting dandelion control operations in various areas of the city, however, due to wind conditions, spraying had to be postponed until conditions improve," he explained. "As they improve, a spraying schedule will be announced via social media and the Everbridge alert system, as well as signage and pink flagging placed in the perimetre of the areas sprayed."

The City's downtown core is now beautiful-smelling-and-looking, thanks to the planters being filled with flowers.

"The Adopt-A-Planters in the downtown area, have all been sponsored, and, for the most part, have all been planted," Block said. "The City will water as needed, and the participants are then responsible for planting and maintenance of the planter throughout the summer."

He said City crews, who go around with the water wagon to water the beds, also do dead-head the petunias, marigolds, et cetera, as needed.

"There also has been some new City flower planters added to the south side of City Hall," Block shared. "They were added there as a continuation of the upgrades that were done in that area from last year." Read more HERE.


The wooden planters next to City Hall are a new addition this year.