With temperatures reaching the upper 20s this week and this past weekend, the warmer weather for this time of year took some looking for adventures out of doors - in spite of Wednesday being the first day of Autumn.

So, while there isn't always a news-worthy story to share, sometimes photos say it all.

Below are some pictures captured over the past week featuring local children enjoying beaches, wildlife, and even some barnyard friends. Enjoy!

The beach at Nickle Lake Regional Park on Wednesday, when the temperature reached 28 degrees by 4 pm (photo by Marna McManus).

A crayfish at Nickle Lake found and loved by some local children (photo by Marna McManus).

Child exploring the various sediments on the beach (photo by Marna McManus).

Checking for more crayfish, snails, and leeches (photo by Marna McManus).

The brush at Nickle Lake is rife with life at the end of the season (photo by Marna McManus).

Photo by Marna McManus of the sunset on the road to Nickle Lake Wednesday.

Local children enjoying the beach at Mainprize Lake last Saturday (photo by Marna McManus).

The Prairie Animal Health Centre's Open House saw a great turnout Thursday (photo by Marna McManus).

Pony rides were one of the features at the PAHC open house event (photo by Denis Conroy).

A local girl was so excited to be at the open house event (photo by Marna McManus).

Photo by Dara Currie.

Photo by Dara Currie.

Photo by Dara Currie.