With the nice weather, the City of Weyburn is able to get a start on the pruning of trees along boulevards and easements in selected areas. The work is being done by Regina-based Green Drop, who was awarded the contract by Weyburn City Council earlier this year.  

File photo of tree pruning in the City of Weyburn.“Green Drop Ltd are currently working on the 800-block of Brimacombe Drive, and will be working east to the rest of Brimacombe from there,” explained Curtis Block, the parks manager for the City of Weyburn. The work isn’t being limited to Brimacombe, either, as other areas have been identified for work in the coming weeks. 

Ash Drive, 2nd Street from Bison Avenue to 1st Avenue, 3rd Street from Coteau Avenue to Prairie Avenue, the corner of 5th Avenue North and King Street, Rick Smith Crescent, and Windsor Street. Block explained the work on Windsor Street will have to wait until the fall. 

“Those are elms, so they’ll be pruning those in September due to the elm pruning ban.” 

Dates of when the pruning operations will be provided by the city and signage can be expected the day before work is to start along a street. When the crews are working in an area, traffic will be restricted to local traffic and emergency services only. People are also asked to avoid parking on the street on the days pruning will be happening in their area.