An online fundraising event is going this weekend for Abby Thomson of Fillmore, who was diagnosed in January with Hodgkins Lymphoma.

The family and friends of 18-year-old Abby will be hosting the Rallying for Abby Silent Auction beginning today, going until Saturday at 7:00 p.m. 

The auction was originally supposed to be held mid-February, but Abby was re-hospitalized due to complications involving fluid buildup in her chest cavity, and she is now getting outpatient chemotherapy treatments at the Pasqua Hospital in Regina.

"Chemo has been good so far," said Andrea Sigda, Abby's mother. "She's definitely having nausea, but the Teach 'n' Trim [at Southeast College] is taking long haircuts to make into a wig for her."

Abby and her sister visited their school in Montmartre on Wednesday.

"The school went ballistic to see her! Alyssa said she could have been Taylor Swift," she shared. "They were greeted with hugs."

The online auction event is being held via Facebook, with bidding on each item beginning as soon as it is posted.

Find the auction page HERE and track Abby's story via the Facebook group HERE.

You can read the full interview with Abby and Andrea below in the related article link.