It's been two and a half months since the big storm that damaged the Boundary Dam Power Station ripped across southeast Saskatchewan and repairs are still taking place.

SaskPower spokesperson Jonathan Tremblay said repairs are still on track.

"We were hoping to get everything back online at the beginning of September and it's still on track to do that," shared Tremblay. "As we know, back in June there was some damage to Unit 3 and there was some damage inside the turbine of the power unit, so we had to do a lot of disassemblies and sending off major pieces to specialized precision labs in the U.S. and Canada. Those are now coming all the way back and we're just putting that big turbine back together so that we can turn it online in the coming week."

With BD3 down, the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility is out of commission as well. However, this has given SaskPower the opportunity to give BD3 a good cleaning and inspection and perform any needed maintenance while it stands by. Although the Station has one unit inoperative, the other units seem to be pulling their weight just fine, according to Tremblay.

"The next steps are reassembling that turbine completely, about a day of testing, then we turn it on, and then it takes about 36 hours to get the whole CCS process back in action," said Tremblay.

SaskPower expects everything to be back up and running by September 7.