SGI is reminding the public that RCMP and police can not only request a roadside breathalyzer test, but drivers are obligated to comply with the request.

"When [police] they pull over and they make that demand for a quick roadside breath test, drivers aren't necessarily aware that police do have the right to ask that of any driver they legally stop. They don't have to have reasonable suspicion to demand a quick roadside breath test for alcohol," explained Media Relations Manger with SGI, Tyler McMurchy.

McMurchy said SGI strongly encourages people take the test when presented, lest they incur the severe penalties for not complying. 

"Our advice: take the tests. There are penalties for refusal, potentially Criminal Code charges," he noted. "Consequences for that charge are equivalent, essentially, to being convicted of a impaired driving Criminal Code offense."

He added that if you haven't been drinking, you have nothing to worry about, so, "Take the test. It'll be over in a few seconds and you'll be on your way."