Southeastern Saskatchewan saw quite a bit of snow last week, with around 30 centimetres in the Weyburn area.  

When the snow melts away we can expect added moisture levels, which would be much appreciated by ranchers and farmers heading into the growing season. 

“We see from the runoff report, especially from last fall where it was very dry across much of the province, this additional snow has certainly helped improve those conditions,” said the Water Security Agency Manager of Communications, Sean Osmar. “Initially when we were seeing the melt there a couple weeks ago, a stronger than unexpected runoff which helped to replenish some of the reservoirs and bring water levels back up and bring some of that moisture into the soil as well.” 

Osmar says the agency is keeping an eye on how the melt plays out in the southeast.  

“What we're watching for right now is just to see what kind of melt we get. If we get a slower melt, which will help water stay in the soil, versus a more rapid melt where it runs off into the channels and streams and lakes and things like that.” 

The agency will be watching the Souris River, which was coated by snow in both southeastern Saskatchewan, and southern Manitoba.  

"Right now, along the Souris River we're continuing to monitor it, but as it stands, we do have some additional capacity for storage, so we're able to absorb some of the snowfall that has come and we're waiting to see what kind of melt we'll get. As it stands right now, we think we're in pretty good shape here in the province." 

We could see even more moisture this week, with a chance of showers this afternoon, and flurries this evening.