The first meeting of May for Weyburn City Council will be held tonight at City Hall. The agenda for the meeting will see the councillors covering a number of items ranging from regular reports from administration to tenders for infrastructure work to appointments to new positions.  

The reports expected to be presented to the council at the meeting include one from the building department, the water treatment plant, public works, the fire department, and the monthly accounts receivable report.  

Motions the councillors will consider include the appointment of a new city clerk, the appointment of a new development officer, and the appointment of two positions on the Weyburn Public Library Board. 

The councilors will also discuss two RFPs. The first is for the replacement of the main storm line along 16th Street between Coteau and East Avenues, and the second is for replacing and/or repairing selected fire hydrants, street valves, manholes and catch basins. 

There will also be a motion to talk about support for an application for targeted sector support for the City of Estevan. Estevan is working with Southeast College on a program called Our Energy Future that includes roundtables, community needs assessments, and the development of training modules for municipal staff, municipal councils, and more. Estevan is asking Weyburn to file a letter of commitment as a community partner. Other partners in the project so far include Carnduff and Coronach.  

Just one bylaw will be before the council – the mill factor and base tax bylaw. This bylaw is passed every year to establish the mill rates after the municipal and provincial budgets are passed. There is also a discretionary use permit application from Prairie Animal Health Centre about the construction of a new veterinary clinic.  

We will have full coverage of the meeting, on-air and online, starting tomorrow morning.