Campers and visitors at Nickle Lake Regional Park this season will notice blue barrels set up throughout the park for collecting refundable bottles and cans for the Weyburn Humane Society.

Board president and chairman of the Humane Society's recycling program, Randy Bakaluk said they've got four set up in all.

"There's one at the site where they empty their trailers' septic tanks before they leave, we have one over by one of the bathrooms, one more towards the west side, and we have one by the canteen," 

He said they were happy to have made a deal with the park to have this additional boost in fundraising.

"We have some board members who camp out there and they sort of got the word around, so we were collecting last year also, but this is the first year that we have a formal agreement with the park," Bakaluk noted.

Flyers are provided to campers to ensure they know where the bins are located. 

"So hopefully everybody that comes in to stay for the weekend or longer will all get this little Flyer and that'll put it in their minds."

The blue barrels were generously donated by Minard's Leisure World, and Bakaluk said they hope to find some more so they can also set some up within the city of Weyburn. Nonetheless, he is able to pick up any refundable bottles and cans in town upon request.

"If anybody has any they can call me at 306-861-8332 and I'll come and pick them up from their homes or businesses. You call or text and tell me where they are and I'll come get them. You don't have to be at home at all." 

The collection funds go toward the shelter's spay and neuter program.