Weyburn's Wildlife Federation (WWF) was recently awarded for their continued support of Saskatchewan's Wildlife Habitat Trust. This fund, managed by the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF), is used to purchase and preserve land in the province for future generations of sportsmen to enjoy as well as for the preservation and support of our natural wildlife. To date, the WWF has contributed more than $90,000 to the Habitat Trust. 

"The amount we donate each year can vary," said WWF president Larry Olfert. "Every club contributes, though. Some donate a lot, some not very much, but we find that we're usually just above the middle in terms of how much we contribute each year. When you have 130 clubs across the province, each little bit adds up fast."

Olfert estimated that an average of about $2,000 is added to the fund by the Weyburn Federation each year. This is in addition to the many other initiatives that our local club leads such as the FINS Program, embankment repairs on local bodies of water, and the revamping of filleting shacks at our nearby regional parks. 

The nearest Wildlife Habitat Trust lands to Weyburn are located outside of Griffin, where 6 acres donated by Don Kowalski act as a protected game sanctuary. The taxes are paid by the Wildlife Federation, and maintenance is kept up by local members to ensure that anyone with a love for the outdoors can enjoy the land for its pristine natural beauty. Wildlife Habitat Trust land is often marked with signs at their gated entrances, and are bordered with wildlife-safe fences that feature smooth top and bottom wires with barbed wire only in the middle. 

"It's not huntable land," said Olfert. "Mr. Kowalski wanted it to be a wildlife sanctuary, but game can still live and reproduce there. And it is still open to other uses. We have a grazing lease there, you might find some active Geocaches as well. Photographers and hikers are welcome, just no hunting and foot traffic only."

To support initiatives like these, lovers of the outdoors can attend any number of fundraising events that are on the horizon for the WWF. Fishing derbies, special dinners and auctions are on the way soon, so stay up to date by following closely on the Weyburn Wildlife Federation Facebook Page.