Domestic violence is most often an urgent situation.

Envision Counselling and Support Centre’s Executive Director Christa Daku shared some tips with Discover Weyburn on what to do if you are experiencing domestic violence.

“Individuals that are dealing with a domestic violence situation, if they're in an unsafe situation, they should definitely call 9-1-1, where referral supports will be set up after they've gotten to safety,” she explained. “And that's kind of where ourselves and Victim Services will come into play.”

For ongoing support with domestic violence situations, Envision's Interpersonal Violence and Abuse Program is available in Estevan, Weyburn, Carlyle, and Oxbow.

“Individuals come in for ongoing support with domestic violence situations, and it can range in a wide variety of issues in regards to a situation like this,” Daku said. “So there's pre-planning involved when trying to leave, but sometimes that doesn't happen.”

She noted that intake is case-by-case, and even though they have full caseloads, if someone calls in urgency, they make arrangements to offer them immediate support.

“Really, everything is on hold until we that client is safe and we know that they will be safe in the future,” she said.

Daku added Envision’s Family Intervention Program may also be the best fit for families dealing with less urgent domestic situations, such as grief or high stress, and need help getting through some of the more challenging times.