With Weyburn students almost complete their second week of school enrollment numbers are beginning to file in.

"Essentially the numbers that we received across the school division last Tuesday, by days end, we were sitting at 8292 students which is actually what we had projected that we would be sitting at, so we're right within that guideline," says Lynn Little, Director of Education for the South East Cornerstone Public School Division.

Enrollment number fluctuate throughout the school year based on students moving, senior students completing credit needs and previously homeschooled students attending public schools. The school divisions are seeing higher numbers in the lower grades and smaller graduating classes.

"If there is either an influx of children or a reduction in children we work with the principals to determine does there need to be a change in staffing and we wait until typically middle to end of September before we make those changes," adds Little.

Little also mentions that enrollment numbers directly impact the funding they receive from the government.

The Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division has some numbers in as well, with a drop of 14 students from last year.

"It has its variances across the piece, but we will be studying any impact on anything that looks like it's got a trend to it," says Gewn Keith, Director of Education for the Holy Family Roman Catholic Separate School Division. "Being aware of that and looking at what it means for us, it's a little early."

Both school divisions adjust their practices depending on these enrollment trends to better serve the schools and the community.