Students at Weyburn Comprehensive were given a unique opportunity to start their own business with Junior Achievement. This helped teach the students how to operate their own business in all aspects, from producing a product to running and operating Human Resources.

And recently they received two awards. One for Company of the Year and the other for Product Design, however, some of the students learned that running a business is not as easy as it may look.

"I know Onello would be the first to agree, it is a lot of work," said Margot Arnold, Entrepreneurship 30 Teacher at Weyburn Comprehensive. "If you're here just because you want to make some money, that's great but it takes a lot of work to get there."

The announcement of personal and group awards was made last night during the WCS virtual Awards Nite.

Human Resources Award of Excellence - Sara Braat and Faith Bratrud

Environment, Health & Safety Award of Excellence - Paris Lyon

Salesperson of the Year - Megan Ebel

Co-Presidents of the Year - Megan Ebel and Onello Bahingawan

Professional Leadership Award - Madison Lafoy

Though the students were given some help from various local professionals about how to create, start-up, and run their business.

"Verna O'neil from Community Future Sunrise, Twila Walkenden, manager of the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce, and Jeff Chessel just came on this year," Arnold added. "They attend the initial board meeting and the final board meeting. The initial to present their business plan, and the final to see how they ended up. And they always provide feedback for the students and see how they put that feedback into action."

With these awards and the previous two, Soup 'R Snacks will move onto nationals to represent Saskatchewan. They will be competing against other businesses from across the country.

"I think we are really proud of what we did accomplish," said Co-President, Megan Ebel. "I think overall we were just overwhelmed with the community support."

With the community giving them so much support, they decided to give back with a donation of $887.00 to the Canadian Mental Health Association Weyburn branch. As well, $500.00 was donated to the Walbaum Family to help in their battle against cancer. Soup 'R Snacks also purchased contents for an Operation Christmas Child box.

"We knew we were getting awards, but we didn't know who would get them," Ebel added. "Almost half of our positions got awards."