Saskatchewan hunters can get their names into this year's big game draw, beginning on Monday, and they should get them in fast.

Last year, more than 11,000 applications were submitted to the online system on the final day of the draw.

The Ministry of Environment said getting applications in early helps avoid system outages.

This year’s draw includes licenses for elk, moose, pronghorn, mule deer (either-sex) and antlerless mule deer.

The application system will go online on May 1, and will close on May 25.

For eligibility rules and details on how to register, you can find more on the Government of Saskatchewan website.

More than 92,000 applications were received last year, which was up 71,445 applications in 2015.

There are some new changes to the 2017 season, and you can find more here.

Changes could also be coming for the 2018 season.

Moose quotas in a number of zones across the province are at the same increased levels from 2016, including areas with higher vehicle collisions such as east of Saskatoon to the Yorkton region.

As well, the pronghorn draw could expand to include their core range in southwest Saskatchewan.

Contact the Active Network call centre (1-888-773-8450) or the Ministry of Environment.