Prayer has long been used to help to encourage and lift one another up during one of life’s valleys. The Lighthouse Church, wanting to make a bigger community impact, wants to help more people through the power of prayer. Now anyone can call the church’s confidential 24-hour toll-free prayer request line and one of the members from the Lighthouse Church will join the caller in prayer. 

Susan Adderley, a member of the Lighthouse Church, shared with Discover Weyburn what motivated this new community outreach initiative. 

“There’s a lot of people struggling, Weyburn has a lot of people who could use prayer, they feel alone, and they might feel that there’s no hope, we just know that people need a place to reach out to and know that someone cares,” said Adderley. “We are the Lighthouse Church, and this number is going to be a ray of hope for someone in the darkness.” 

When people call, Pastors Cherian and Bindu Poonnoose will be the ones on the other end of the line joining the caller in prayer. 

“People are invited to call and leave their requests, if no one answers the phone they will get back to you so please leave us your contact information. Our hope is that in the future as there is more need, we are going to try and have it manned 24 hours a day with a live operator,” explained Adderley. “We want people to know this is confidential and it’s non-denominational, it's for anyone, it's for the community, we want people to know there is hope.” 

The Lighthouse Church invites anyone to call its 24-hour prayer request line at 1-855-777-2005. Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength... Isaiah 40:31