A new app is hitting the marketplace, with the goal to help make planning travel with friends a little easier.

Krugo had their official launch on the weekend, and what aims to be a key player in the travel market, Krugo has a local connection. Andrew Cretin is originally from Weyburn. He graduated from WCS in 2010 and has been helping to develop the app.

“The idea is, where will your crew go,” explained Cretin, when asked about where the name of the app came from.

The app aims to help with collaborative planning for trips. It allows the user to build a trip around a destination or event, and then share the information with the people who are making the trip.

“We coined the term 10 tab trip planning,” Cretin elaborated.

He described the current methods used by most people would see a browser with a number of open tabs for travel information, accommodation, tickets, and more, while also having a messenger chat open with those who are coming along. The purpose of the app is to bring all the tabs into one platform.

He adds the reception so far with the app has been positive. Now, the task for the company is to get the word out about the app. It is currently available on the iOS app store, with plans for it to be released on Android in the new year.

“We’ve got the development team working hard at closing up the current product, but as well adding in new features and functionality,” Cretin said, touching on the development roadmap for the app.

The goal is to expand the word about the app through Saskatchewan, Western Canada, and the rest of North America.

“We built it for those 14 to 16-person bachelor, bachelorette parties, but it also works if you, your brother and your dad are just going to Toronto for the weekend,” stated Cretin.

You can learn more about the app on its official website.