Inclusion Weyburn will be facilitating an Inservice this spring for members of the Weyburn Police Service.

"They were wondering if we would help them to learn about individuals in our community, or learn about intellectual disabilty, so that they feel more equipped to help them in times of crisis, or if there's an issue and they're working with someone who's non-verbal," explained Inclusion Weyburn President Jackie Wilson. "They just wanted to feel more able to help and we are so glad they asked, because we're really happy to help them."

She said the workshops will be facilitated by Leah Peterson, Weyburn's Autism Spectrum Disorder Consultant with the Saskatchewan Health Authority.

"She's doing the Inservice for the whole Weyburn Police force," she noted. "There are two different Inservice days so that, between the two days, every officer will receive her workshop."

Wilson said one thing everyone on their Board of Directors agreed that noise-cancelling headsets would be one of the items in the officers' new toolkit.

"So these will be equipped with headsets for children and for adults, and then there are also a lot of different fidget tools they are adding to these kits," Wilson shared. "Leah will also offer information at the Inservice as to why these tools are used and how they help and what the officer can do to use the tools to help an individual."

The Inservices will be conducted on March 20th and May 8th, 2020.