The 36th Annual Weyburn and District United Way Communithon is just a few weeks away. The event features local talent and raises much needed funds for 14 member agencies. 

Leading up to Communithon, we will be taking a look at all the agencies that benefit from the event.

The Weyburn Youth Centre has been in operation for 25 years and serves the youth in Grades 5 through 12 in the Opportunity City,

"We are open for any age, any race, any culture, any religion, it doesn't matter," said Executive Director of the Centre Brian Hopfe. "It's just a place the youth can come and hang out. It's supervised by adults, no drugs, alcohol or anything like that are allowed in here. It keeps them off the street and gives them somewhere to hang out with their friends and there's adults here who will talk to them if they want to talk. It's just a safe place."

The Youth Centre operates a drop in centre called TAGS, the local skate park and has several in school programs as well. The are one of the newest member agencies and are looking forward to expanding their services.

"Our funding is 100% donations," said Hopfe. "We don't get any grants from the Government or anything that way, it's all through individuals and organizations and fundraising."

Funds from Communithon are expected to go towards their general fund which helps cover the cost of electricity, gas, water and other bills. 

"Those are big things for us," Hopfe added. "To keep the place open we need to pay those bills."

He also noted that the Youth Centre sees roughly 75-100 youth come through the doors every week.

"The Youth Centre has been here for 25 years and I just really want to say thank you to the community for the support and the continued support they give the youth centre," he said. "To me it's just amazing how this community and surrounding area come on to support us. We just appreciate it so much."

Communithon runs October 20th with the Communithon Concert Jam going October 21.