City Council will be meeting in person tonight for their regularly scheduled meeting. Tonight's agenda will be relatively light for the most part, however, there are two prominent topics to be discussed.

Two bylaws are being brought before council tonight to be discussed and voted on. They will be discussing the Community Plan Schedule, which is a booklet put together that acts as a keystone in the planning process for future growth and development of the city. As well, it goes over the current and future land use in the municipality as well as its economic development.

The plan will be presented before council tonight and reviewed by council members present who will choose to either allow it to pass or to have it revised.

Council will also be discussing the new Zoning bylaw. This bylaw works hand-in-hand with the Community Plan Schedule by regulating and managing the current and future land use for the municipality. Much like with the Community Plan Schedule, it will be presented before the council, who will make the decision whether or not to adopt this new bylaw.

On the agenda as well are a handful of other bylaw amendments including a waterworks bylaw amendment and sewer bylaw amendment, as well as the Building Department and Water Treatment report, which will be presented and reviewed by council.

Discover Weyburn will have full coverage of tonights meeting on-air and online tomorrow.