The public inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act earlier this year has recently come to an end.

The Prime Minister invoked the Emergencies Act about ten months ago on February 14th, 2022, in response to the Truckers' Freedom Convoy that converged on Ottawa.

Member of Parliament for Souris-Moose Mountain, Dr. Robert Kitchen, commented on the Prime Minister's decision to invoke the Emergencies Act.

"He brought this in, and now he's trying to justify his actions. What is defined by legislation is that after the Emergencies Act is put forward, there has to be a hearing. The hearing was done, and he appointed the chair of that hearing, and then they've gone through their steps."

"And throughout the weeks before the Prime Minister came on board, you continually heard about aspects of the Emergencies Act which indicated breakdowns and challenges that were there and where certain things were not done." 

Kitchen went on to explain what was discussed during the inquiry.

"They addressed issues of 'why didn't the Prime Minister or someone from the Prime Minister's office or even the Liberal party talk to the convoy?' None of those things were positive for the Prime Minister."

He added that when it came to the Prime Minister's testimony on the final day of the inquiry, he was trying to justify the actions that he put forward.

Kitchen stated that, "We continually heard from experts from the head of CSIS and the head of the RCMP, who said that there was not enough evidence to provide for enacting the Emergencies Act."

He added that now we sit and wait to hear from the commission as to what their findings were and where things are at.

The findings and recommendations are to be released by the commission in February of 2023.