SGI has changed the amount it pays to fire departments responding to accidents on provincial highways.

Weyburn Fire Chief Simon Almond said the amount is now a rate of $913 an hour, no matter the type of call.

"The previous system created a lot of confusion and animosity in regards to two rates, productive and non-productive, what was productive, what was non-productive, and the assessors that did this at SGI didn't have an agreement amongst themselves as to what was a productive call and what was not a non-productive call," explained Almond.

Previously, A non-productive call paid just over $500 per hour but a productive call was worth just over $900. An example of a productive call would be a call that required the Jaws of Life to be used. An example of a non-productive call may mean firefighters simply provided safety for emergency services personnel working at the scene or cleaning up after an accident.

"By no means does that actual fee cover the costs that are associated with us responding to that call but it goes a long way to do that and I'm sure from the City's coffers perspective we would like to see that increase so that it is more reflective on true cost." 

Almond added these rates are paid for accidents on provincial highways, including those in Weyburn itself.

The changes are effective immediately. This change is a result of four years of SUMA advocacy efforts, in partnership with the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, the Saskatchewan Association of Fire Chiefs, and the Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association. SUMA is continuing to work with SGI to increase the productive call rate to $1,200 per hour, as third-party research commissioned by SUMA shows that current compensation rates, even for time deemed productive, are failing to fully cover costs incurred by fire departments.