Local musician and independent producer, Artan McManus, 16, has completed a project nearly two years in the making, and has released a third EP, the second EP of songs dedicated to his late father.

While his music is all heavy rock/ metal, he shared with Discover Weyburn how 'Inside My Mind' differs from "Yellowline Dynamica', another EP he released a month earlier.

"It reaches points of more melody. It's more refined, and weird, I guess, at the same time. More instrumentals for sure. The previous one didn't have any instrumentals. This one does. It has quite a few." 

"It was created as originally an album last summer and was turned into two different EPs, which the previous EP Yellowline Dynamica was half of it and then this, 'Inside My Mind', was the second half," he explained, noting they were the last songs he ever got to work on with the influence of his dad, Kelt, who passed away in April of 2021.

One of the songs, 'Mourning Song' was renamed for the EP, from 'Song of Nothing'.

"He got to hear the original demo, which was about something completely different," said McManus. "He got to hear the original instrumentation, which stayed the same, more or less. But now it has way more meaning."

He said he's looking at working on some new songs, but he's happy with having gone back and made his songs into something more meaningful, as it certainly helps with the grieving process.

You can find his music on all digital music platforms, including Apple Music and Spotify.

Read more HERE.

