It's Mario Day!

Mario is arguably one of the BEST known video game characters. He's been around for nearly 40 years and shows no signs of slowing down (or finding the castle that our princess IS in).

From NES to Nintendo Switch, Mario has been in them all, trying to save the princess, defeat Bowser or just win a go-kart race. He has been so successful that he has gotten TV shows and a highly bashed movie in 1993 (say what you want, that movie was FANTASTIC. Ridiculous, horrible and WE LOVED IT!).

Believe it or not, he was not the FIRST big video game character. That distinction actually goes to Pac-Man who, as you may remember, was a popular arcade game character. Yeah, remember when you had to go to the arcade to play video games? 

Of course, video games and gaming consoles really began to take off in the 80s and continue to be incredibly popular today.

What was your first video game? Was it Pac-Man? Mario? Maybe even Crash Bandicoot? Let us know! Join the conversation on the Big 106 Facebook Page. You can also send us a voice message in your messenger app! Just click and hold the microphone icon!