(Photo of a wheat field, which might be a rare sight in Saskatchewan this summer)

The Provincial Government feels it's giving farmer's in Saskatchewan a much needed break.

The Government announcing a one-time eligibility exemption for farm licence plates. The Government is waiving the seeding eligibility requirements for licensing for farm plates this year.

Minister responsible for SGI June Draude says the decision was made because many farmers haven't seeded enough land to meet the requirement. "In order to be eligible for the exemption, they have to be able to say they were licensed in 2009 and they intend to farm again in 2011 and that next year they will seed enough to qualify for farm plates."

Much of the seeded acreage in the province is sitting in water while there is also millions of acres in Saskatchewan, that has not even had the chance to be seeded with all the moisture.

Draude says, "there are many things on the farmer's mind right now and I think we as Government want to do is show them we are supporting them in any way we can."