It is the last day of school for students in Weyburn.

At Weyburn Comprehensive School, those in grades 10-12 are wrapping up their final exams, while the students in grades 7-9 are enjoying some fun in the sun.

Students from Assiniboia Park Elementary School with the Champion in the Classroom mentor, Sam Effah. For those in elementary school, it is a relatively fun day, to say goodbye to the school year. For those in Grades 1-5, many are looking forward to the summer vacation, but will also miss a few things about the school. Among the students we spoke to, it was mostly staff, and friends they will miss the next two months.

Grade 6 students in the public system are finishing their last year in elementary school, as they prepare to head to WCS for Grade 7 next year. For many, it will be a bittersweet goodbye, as they grace the halls of the elementary schools for the final time as a student.

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File photo from the past school year.At St. Mike’s, it is the students in Grade 9, who are moving off to the Comp, who echo the same sentiments. With the school having classes for Pre-K right through to Grade 9, the lower grades will be back again come September, fully rested and ready to learn.

The students will have the next 68 days off (but who’s counting), before they return to class on September 5th.