This is the second day that businesses across the province are no longer required to ask patrons for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test. 

The mandate had been in effect since October last year. 

Executive Director at Weyburn Chamber of Commerce Larry Heggs said that it could take some time for businesses and consumers to get used to this change.  

“I think that most businesses are ready to move on and move forward and they'll need to look at that in their own way,” Heggs said. “Some businesses probably will still require proof of vaccine and obviously the majority probably won't, but there's certainly an interest within the business community in general to just sort of move on and put this all behind.” 

Heggs said that this is a step in the right direction.  

“All lights are pointing that direction, that things are going to move forward. Most of the provinces are starting to lift regulations across the country, the federal government is talking about lifting more regulations, so I think it's certainly a positive for the business community to be able to operate more freely.” 

He added that he is positive the business community will be able to thrive.