Mojet Adediji, a teenager from Weyburn, is already a published author and is having a book reading next week. 

Her book Spitfyar: The Rise of a Teen Combatant began as a 500-word creative writing assignment in elementary school, and was able to be published a few years later.  

“In Grade six we had a project for writing a short story. It was supposed to be 500 words long, but I kind of got carried away since I had a lot of stories in my head that I wanted to talk about.” Adediji said. “I ended up throughout the entire summer and for the rest of the school year kind of adding to my story almost every day. Then a couple of years later, like last summer, we decided, okay, let's make this into a book.” 

She added that the book she had in her head in Grade six is much different than the final result. 

“As I got older and I read more about the news and the world and how everything was going today, I decided okay, maybe I can make these characters a reflection of the people I see today or the people who I want to see in the future.” 

Adediji is holding the reading at the Weyburn Public Library on Monday, March 14 at 4:00 p.m. 

Those interested can go to the library or call 306-842-4352 to register.