It may be a tradition for many in the area to help support local children's hospitals by participating in Dairy Queens 'Miracle Treat Day', and for those who do, they're in luck. This year, the Weyburn Dairy Queen will be expanding their Miracle Treat Day to Miracle Treat Week.

This is largely due to the crowd sizes that are often drawn to the sweet fundraiser.

"Dairy Queen usually has Miracle Treat Day, which is held in August in the heat of summer and draws a big crowd which is not allowed anymore," explained Shelly Dammann from the Weyburn Dairy Queen. "So Dairy Queen changed the format and we're going to have Miracle Treat Week for the entire week of October 5th to 11th."

The hope for expanding the yearly tradition is to reduce crowd sizes without compromising the funds that will be raised for local children's hospitals. It also allows for those who wish to donate more to purchase sweet treats multiple times throughout the week.

"Dairy queens across Canada and the US raise funds to go towards their local children's hospital," Dammann added. "All of our proceeds raised from Miracle Treat Week will go to the children's hospital in Saskatoon."

All you need to do to participate is to purchase a Blizzard at Dairy Queen. All proceeds will go to the Jim Pattison Children's Hospital.

And for those who are not keen on sweet treats but want to help out, you can donate directly here