The provincial Ministry of Agriculture has released the weekly crop report for June 11th to 17th.

With seeding complete within the region, producers are continuing to evaluate their crops. Spraying operations will continue as weather allows and producers will continue to monitor for pests and disease in the coming weeks.

Producers indicate that one percent of the land that was seeded this spring has excess moisture and is unlikely to produce a crop. One percent of forage crops have excess moisture and are unlikely to produce a crop and one percent of pastureland is not accessible or not usable at this time across the region.

Areas within the region that are experiencing reduced moisture have expressed that five percent of the land that was seeded this spring is struggling due to lack of moisture. Eight percent of forage crops may have their yield significantly affected along with 12 percent of pastures that may have their carrying capacity reduced.

Most crops fall within the normal stages of development for this time of year, but cooler temperatures are slowing crop development within the region. Oilseeds have the largest impact from the cooler temperatures with 59 percent reported at the normal stage of development with 31 percent falling behind. Perennial forages are the furthest advanced in development with 21 percent of the crop ahead of normal. 

Rain fell throughout the region with increased amounts falling in the east side of the region due to a storm with significant wind and heavy rain. The highest rain fell in the Bienfait and Alida areas with 48 mm and 47 mm, respectively. The Bethune area received 36 mm and the Avonlea area received 35 mm. The Moosomin area reported 30 mm for the week.

Topsoil moisture conditions continue to remain adequate within the region. Cropland topsoil moisture is reported at five percent surplus, 90 percent adequate, and five percent short. Hayland topsoil moisture is two percent surplus, 86 percent adequate, 11 percent short, and one percent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is rated at two percent surplus, 84 percent adequate, 13 percent short, and one percent very short.

As producers monitor their livestock water supplies, currently 78 percent report no shortages occurring or anticipated with 11 percent indicating the potential for shortages throughout the summer. Ninety-four percent indicate they are not concerned with water quality for their livestock currently.

Minor crop damage is reported within the region due to frost and hail. Moderate damage has been reported in some areas due to wind, gophers, grasshoppers, and waterfowl. Flea beetles continue to cause damage with some areas needing to be re-seeded. The continued moisture has caused leaf disease and root rot development within the region.

Source: Government of Saskatchewan.