Every month, SGI rejects various requests for vanity licence plates.

Tyler McMurchy, Manager of Media Relations with SGI, says what's offensive is very subjective.

“As a government agency, we do err on the side of caution,” he said. “SGI won't approve slogans that the general public may find offensive, suggestive, or not in good taste.”

He added applications are screened for racist, sexist, or potentially offensive language.

Even if you are a die hard Stephen King fan, chances are you can't have a vanity licence that reads ‘RED RUM’.

“Personalized license plates are fun, but nobody really needs to have one, and if there's a word that you really want to put on your vehicle, there may be other ways to do that,” said McMurchy. “We are just not going to put it on a license plate for you.”

Applications that are rejected can be appealed.

“If SGI rejects a slogan, the applicant disagrees with the decision, they can appeal and we'll have the committee review it and decide whether or not that plate slogan should be allowed,” explained McMurchy.

In recent months, some of the rejected licence plate applications have included SHAG-UAR, REDRUM and BOOGERS.