The budget of 2017 saw cuts to education and school divisions in South East Saskatchewan worked hard to limit the impact on the classrooms. Shelley Toth, Chief Finance Officer, South East Cornerstone Public School Division, has given reaction to Budget 2018 which sees an increase in operating funds from last year of 1.7% or $1.6 million.

"We were encouraged to see that the government is starting to restore some of the funding that has been cut to education but somewhat disappointing as well because I am not sure it will be enough to balance the budget for next year."

In the past two years, there have been consistent cuts. In 2016/17 there was a 2.1% cut to SECPSD's budget and then another 3% cut last year.

The cuts meant the public school division had deficit budgets both years and that includes cuts being made as well.

Toth said they are still in the process of building the budget for 2018/2019 and with a deadline to have a budget confirmed by the end of June, the Board of Education will have to do so in the June 20th Board meeting.

The positive news for SECPSD is the money confirmed in the provincial budget for Weyburn to have a new elementary school. $12.2 million will be coming to the school division to start work on the project.

"They announce funding one year at a time. The building will cost more than the $12.2 million but that's probably all we need for the current year. I'm anticipating that next march when the provincial budget comes down there will be another announcement for additional funding next fiscal year."

"The province never does more than one year at a time for funding."

It is too early to know how short the budget will be at this time for the school division for the next fiscal year. The school division is currently working on salaries and benefits which make up %73 percent of the overall Education Budget.

"Until I have that number I can't really guess how short we are," added Toth.