This past weekend, natural gas created a scare for staff and customers in Weyburn's own Zippy Mart. They reportedly smelled rotten eggs, which alerted them to the natural gas leak.

SaskEnergy's natural gas within city or town limits is odorised for safety.  If there is a line hit or if there is a leak residents will smell a rotten egg smell. This is a safety measure that's designed to alert the public, homeowner or contractor working on a site.

"So if anyone smells this or even if they think they smell this because you would obviously rather be safe then sorry they should call, 1-888-700-0427," says Casey Macleod from SaskEnergy. "We will send someone out with gas detection equipment to make sure there is a gas leak that we pin pointed and start repairs right away to make sure the system is as safe as possible."

Macleod says SaskEnergy would rather respond to false alarms, such as if someone smells sewage or  rotting vegetation, rather then have an accident happen because of an unreported gas leak.