A new deck has been installed in front of Big Jims Brew Shop and the General Store down on Third Street after gaining approval from the city council last year. 

Todd Bedore, the owner of Big Jim’s Brew Shop, says the intention behind its installation was to bring more excitement to the downtown area and increase traffic to surrounding businesses.  

“It was kind of a brainchild of me traveling a lot in previous lives and seeing these decks around downtown and just everybody enjoying them and being able to serve drinks and I went to city council and just was able to get it approved and it was awesome.” 

The car show this weekend will be used as a soft launch for the deck. Bedore hopes the outdoor space will bring more event traffic downtown and overall liven up the downtown core.    

“When we have events that are not like the car show, just bringing traffic downtown and having that ability to sit outside and enjoy the shade of those beautiful trees downtown, have a nice drink and, and just create some buzz.” 

The increased traffic is intended to be beneficial in increasing business to all downtown establishments. 

“So that's the goal. We're a big team in downtown Weyburn and, you know, if they come down and have a drink at Big Jim’s and the General Store, hopefully they go around to all the other businesses and do a little shopping and it just creates traffic and buzz.” 

Bedore explains the importance of downtown development to him in saying: 

“Keeping the money in Weyburn is very important. I always say I'd rather share $100 with 10 stores than have $100 leave downtown Weyburn.”