The last time there was more than 6 centimetres of snow on the ground in Weyburn was back on January 8th, and the last time more than a few centimetres of snow fell in one shot was November 15th.  

After a rather dry, and warm, winter, snow is back in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan as a Colorado low makes its way through the region.  

“We do expect it to not hit warning levels, but probably be just under warning levels,” explained Terri Lang, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada about the system. By the early afternoon today, there were roughly four centimetres on the ground in downtown Weyburn, with more expected to continue to fall overnight and tomorrow morning.  

“It’s not a real strong Colorado low, and it’s expected to mostly impact southern Manitoba,” Lang added. “Southeastern Saskatchewan is just getting clipped by it, so the farther away you are from Manitoba, the lesser the snow.” 

This system is also not expected to bring a lot of wind with it, but the snow will be packed with moisture as the temperature hovers around the freezing mark during the day and dips just below freezing overnight. Lang noted the conditions won’t help with the highways in the region, either.  

“There will be a little bit of drifting snow, and with the temperature again hovering near the freezing mark, it’ll polish up those roads and highways pretty nicely, especially because we’ve already had fog, rime icing, and freezing drizzle,” Lang pointed out. “Things are already slippery as it is, so I think the snow is just going to add to that.” 

Behind the system that is bringing the snow, Lang said we can expect temperatures to drop from what we have gotten accustomed to this winter. However, these will be closer to the seasonal averages.  

“I think we’ve been quite spoiled this winter, so when it does get a little bit colder, it seems really cold, but it’s just relative to the warmth that we’ve had and doesn’t reflect the average type of winter that we usually have.”