Three Weyburn organizations benefitted recently from South Country Equipment's Weyburn staff not having a Christmas party this year.

The Canadian Mental Health Association Weyburn Branch received $2,000, the Weyburn Salvation Army received $1,500, and another $1,500 was given to the Family Place.

Parts Supervisor Steve Archibald said it was an easy decision.

"Everybody was pretty happy about it," he shared. "It's going to good causes and the staff within Weyburn that chose these three locations at some point. Most of us have used some of it, whether it be taking the kids to the Family Place or maybe some people have had family members that have had to use Mental Health or the Salvation Army at one point. They all do great things for our community and we just thought it was a great cause for us to donate to, we went with the Salvation Army and the family place and the Mental Health."

He said they topped it up a little bit with their staff funds.